IP Portfolio

As the world is getting boundless in economy and technology, the importance of the intellectual property asset protection by federal law becomes one of the very crucial factors in company’s asset valuation and maintenance.

BioHitech secures the CNSL biofuel technology by applying for patent applications and receiving the grants from the various countries.

US 10,947,469 B2

Title: Apparatus and method for manufacturing bio emulsion fuel using vegetable oil

Filing date: May 13, 2019

Date of Patent: Mar 16, 2021

Country: USA

US 11,584,894 B2

Title: Apparatus for bio emulsion fuel manufacturing from waste oils and method using the same

Filing date: Apr 23, 2021

Date of Patent: Feb 21, 2023

Country: USA

JP 6684944

Title: Apparatus for bio emulsion fuel manufacturing from waste oils and method using the same

Filing date: Jun 5, 2019

Date of Patent: Apr 11, 202-0

Country: Japan

VN 1-0032723

Title: Apparatus and method for manufacturing bio emulsion fuel using vegetable oil

Filing date: Sep 9, 2019

Date of Patent: Jun 21, 2022

Country: Vietnam

IDS000003890 B

Title: Apparatus and method for manufacturing bio emulsion fuel using vegetable oil

Filing date: Jul 04, 2019

Date of Patent: Oct 11, 2019

Country: Indonesia

PH 1-2019-000338

Title: Apparatus and method for manufacturing bio emulsion fuel using vegetable oil

Filing date: Jul 6, 2019

Date of Patent: Feb 6, 2023

Country: Philippines

Patents in Pending

Title: Apparatus and method for manufacturing bio emulsion fuel using vegetable oil

Filing date: June, 2019

Countries: Korea, China, Europe